Juniperberry Essential Oil

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Juniperberry essential oil - 10ml

A refreshing, woody scent. Clears, stimulates and strengthens the nerves. Valuable in cystitis, cellulite and fluid retention. 

The fresh and calming aroma of juniper berry oil is widely renowned for relieving stress and anxiety. When diffused, it can also cleanse and purify the air.

Juniper berry oil has anti-rheumatic, astringent, carminative, depurative, antiseptic, vulnerary and other beneficial properties that contribute to its health-promoting effects.

You can use juniper berry oil topically to help relieve a wide range of skin and hair problems, such as eczema, weeping eczema, acne, psoriasis, hair loss and dandruff. 

Mix few drops of the essential oil with carrier oil before applying on the skin, don't place it directly on the skin, can cause burn reaction.

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