Uncrossing Oil

Sale price£4.50

Uncrossing Oil is one of the oldest oils, that was created to remove negative energy and influences in your life, that may be having a bad effect on you or the people you care about.

Uncrossing Oil is best to be used when removing negative energy, crossed-conditions, reverses harmful spells and jinx's. If you have hostile spirit's or unwanted energies around you and you need to remove them, then Uncrossing Oil is the best oil to use. 

The most popular way of using the Uncrossing oil is the simplest, put a drop of oil on a coin and then carry it around with you. 

You can add a few drops of oil to your bath or rub onto your furniture at home or in your workplace. Or even rub on your front and back door, to repel to the energies. 

Use Jinx Removing oil to anoint a 7 Day Uncrossing candle, to add more power to your ritual, while reciting Psalm 21.

1/2 fl. oz (14.7ml) Glass bottle. 

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