The Medicine Woman

Sale price£18.99

Reconnect With The Ancestral Wisdom Of Powerful Women.


Mother Earth calls her daughters... Do you hear her song?

Stemming from shamanic teachings, the traditions of the first peoples and ritual arts, this oracle, co-created by Catherine Maillard and the painter Caroline Maniere, offers you the Women's Medicine Way. Discover the archetypes of the divine feminine, symbols of their indomitable strength, your gifts, your allies, your powers to restore the consciousness of the Great Goddess, and awaken you to the wisdom of Mother Earth.

By venturing on this initiatory path, you will be able to explore your essence, reveal your talents, radiate your power and manifest the great Dream of Pachamama. Women are moving on the path from healing wounds to awakening the sacred feminine. More and more women are joining circles dedicated to them on issues such as maternity, ancestral wisdom and sexuality. Across the world, feminist activism continues, but a new underground women's movement is on the horizon, aligned with the values connected to women's true nature, and of awakening to a new awareness.
By Catherine Maillard
Illustrated By Caroline Maniere.
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