Single Chakra Zenery Tuning Forks

Sale price£35.00
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Single Chime - £35
Set Of 7 Chimes - £195
Comes With Beater & Matching Chakra Bag

Ancient Hindu beliefs say the secret to our happiness and well-being lies within. There are 7 major energy centers in our body - the 7 chakras - and each one vibrates at its own frequency. When they are all vibrating correctly, all the energy in our body is in balance and we will enjoy good physical, mental and spiritual health.

From left to right, the rods and stones of the Zenergy Chakra Chime represent:

Muladhara or Root ChakraG -16c/3107 Hz Hematite

Svadhisthana or Sacral ChakraAb +32c/3367 Hz Tiger's Eye

Manipura or Solar Plexus ChakraB +38c/2020 Hz Yellow Jade

Anahata or Heart ChakraC# -31c/2178 Hz Rose Quartz

Vishuddha or Throat ChakraC# +33c/2260 Hz

TurquoiseAjna or Third ChakraA +10c/3540 Hz Lapis

Sahasrara or Crown ChakraF -26c/2753 HzAmethyst

Style: Throat Chakra


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