Petitgrain Essential Oil (10ml)

Sale price£5.99

Petitgrain essential oil has an iconic woody yet floral fragrance which provides a relaxing effect. 

Petitgrain essential oil helps to overcome depression & other problems such as anxietystress, anger, and fear, uplifting the mood & promoting a positive thought pattern. 

Also Petitgrain essential oil can be used to help treat skin problems like acne, spots & dry skin. 

Add one drop of Petitgrain essential oil to your face cream or lotion and apply every two days. 

Other benefits of Petitgrain essential oil include:

  • Inducing a restful nights sleep. 
  • Supports healthy immune system. 
  • Aids in treating hypertension.
  • Relaxes muscles & nerves, helping to relive pain.

Petitgrain essenital oil blends well with Chamomile, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Orange & Rosemary. 

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